The Graduate Network believes in the development of education professionals, which is why we have partnered with training providers to provide excellent accredited CPD which supports every level of a person’s journey in education.
Our numerous training partnerships are market-leading providers of high-quality, concise and easy-to-use safeguarding and duty of care e-learning services. The primary focus of these courses is on ‘duty of care’ and helping to keep children and young people safe from harm.
With over 200 available e-courses, we are able to create a bespoke training package that is completely FREE for you.
The Graduate Network also recognises it isn’t just about what you learn, it’s about the way you learn, so we will help you get the training you need, to know how to react and create a culture of awareness with in your school. There are hundreds of simple, clear and concise e-learning modules that you can take to stay up-to-date with legislation and best practice.
Along with the various e-learning courses, we are also able to provide Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5 apprenticeships for our potential graduates. The courses range from Teaching Assistant qualifications and Assessor Coaching and Training.
We believe in providing opportunities to all candidates which will not only help stabilise schools staffing needs, but also help schools to retain their staff, creating a stable environment for their children.